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OCAC Today

The Old Catholic Apostolic Church is the coming together of several strands of independent catholic Christianity.
Our roots from the Old Catholic lines go back to and beyond the original Old Catholics of Utrecht, merged with similar Liberal Catholic lines to give today's OCAC which is a free, modern and progressive church, yet founded upon the ancient and historic faith of the early church, Acts 2.

Today, OCAC is a truly worldwide church, with work and outreach on every continent, and a clergy of hard working genuine Christians who are serving Christ in what they do. There are prayer communities, religious orders and societies alongside Sacramental Worship and evangelism. Each of our clergy must have an active expression of ministry, and so we have chaplains, missionaries, street pastors, serving the homeless and programs to help the needy.

We use the internet and modern social media fully, but we are NOT an internet church: we are real people, ministries, missions and societies, but we believe in the full use of all tools to communicate Christs saving grace.

So if you are looking to join our work we would welcome you to contact us.